King James Bible prophecy unfolding!

King James Bible prophecy unfolding!

King James Bible

As the Bible states, we are cautioned that no one will know the exact time or hour of Jesus' return, but we are encouraged to discern the season. We diligently observe the signs and prophecies that guide us in understanding the times we live in. Recognizing this, Jesus foretold his return in two days he will return before his crucifixion, the principle that a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day. One God day equals 1000 of our days a it stated in (Hosea 6)(2 Peter 3:9) “reminder to remain watchful and vigilant. While the calculations suggest a potential timeframe around our life time, we acknowledge that such attempts may not align perfectly with God's timing. Our focus lies not in making predictions, but in heeding Jesus' instruction to watch and wait, discerning the signs that indicate the season of his coming.

Consequently, we are very close to the time of Jesus' announcement of his return. Let us approach this understanding with humility, recognizing our limited capacity to fully comprehend God's divine plan. Our faith rests not in our ability to predict, but in our willingness to trust and abide by His plans .

The decline of the Gentile age commenced in 1948 when Jerusalem reclaimed its sovereignty.

The next pivotal event is the anticipated 7-year peace treaty, reportedly signed by over 200 countries in 2017, which is expected to follow closely after the conclusion of the Gentile age in Jerusalem. The impending rapture, wherein born-again believers and resurrected saints will be saved and summoned to the judgment seat of Christ followed by the marriage supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7-10), looms on the horizon.

Post-rapture, the Antichrist, and the mark 666 will manifest, presenting a final opportunity for those left behind to believe and be redeemed during the Great Tribulation. Those who resist succumbing to the mark will endure severe tribulations. Subsequently, the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19:17-21) will unfold, culminating in the condemnation of Satan to the lake of fire alongside his followers.

Following Satan's condemnation, a judgment of the nations (Matthew 25:31-46) will ensue, heralding the reign of the kings of kings and lord of lords (Revelation 1:5-6; 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 11:15) during the Millennial Reign of Christ (Revelation 20:6). This epoch signifies the termination of the seventh dispensation and initiates the final judgment (Revelation 20:11-15).

After the Millennium, Satan, along with those not found in the book of life, will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 21:7),

then 1000 years the third day God Jesus Christ will rain on earth with no sin.
then God folds over the earth. He is the beginning and the end the Alfa omega our creator of all things.

and the believer will be  in eternal bliss in heaven with our family and Father.
"Love you all; hope you gain understanding" (Revelation 21:7).

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