Freedom fighters Australia What is the WHO up to! The world health organisation!

Freedom fighters Australia What is the WHO up to! The world health organisation!

As World Health Organisation (“WHO”) dictators gathered to strategise on how to remove nations’ sovereignty by hijacking “public health,” US Senators pushed back with an effort to reinforce congressional power to authorise treaties and a UK Member of Parliament requested an urgent debate on the proposed “treaty.”

Proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”) would give WHO new far-reaching powers to counter “misinformation and disinformation,” introduce global vaccine passports, increase WHO’s surveillance capabilities and enable WHO’s Director General to declare an international public health emergency at any time – which monkeypox and now potentially bird flu are examples.

This is all happening at a time when, conveniently, corporate media is awash with revelations of the “lab leak” origins of SARS-CoV-2 and ‘The Lockdown Files’. Is it coincidence? Or are they distracting us so there’s less resistance? Or are they hoping the world’s population will beg for WHO to take over because our governments have failed us?

Who are they? Only 13% of WHO’s budget comes from member states. The other 87% comes from mostly private institutions and individuals.

The following are some recent articles published on WHO’s power grab. Click on the section title to read the full article.  But first, some background as a reminder of what the dictators at WHO are doing and when.

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1 comment

Hi, I saw a great freedom fighter SUV in Dean St Albury yesterday with fantastic sign written Freedom fighter logos. So now I want to know where I can get my D-max ute logo’d up the same way?
Regards John

John Noonan

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